Inspired Healing
for the mind, body, and spirit
Renew YOUrself
for personal growth, transformation, and a purpose-filled life.
Will hypnotherapy work for me?
Are these your struggles?
- Motivation and procrastination
- Weight and body image
- Anxiety and hopelessness
- Relationship issues and insomnia
With a leap of faith . . .
FREE Your mind of fear
FREE Your body of illness
FREE Your Spirit into joy
Working with Fran was such a joy. She is a great healer and hypnotherapy helps you understand any issue you are having that holds you back from a much bigger life.”
–60 year old female battling cancer

What is Rapid Transformational Therapy®?
A life-changing therapy designed to identify and change negative beliefs and thought patterns at the subconscious level.
When you have struggled with limiting beliefs, confusion, addictions, and the darkness of being mired in shame, confusion and fear, you become trapped in a loop of pain. This can last for months and years on end.
At Inspired Healing Hypnotherapy, clients relate that, with often only one session, they discover feeling a new hope, and by using the revolutionary approach of Rapid Transformation Therapy®, successfully begin to heal wounds of past trauma.
The process almost seemed like magic, as I couldn’t really pinpoint the what, when, why, how of the transformation, but I do know it happened! One day I just realized I was moving through life with hope, zest, and purpose!”
–49 year old female released from hopelessness
According to a study done by neuroscientists at the University of Edinburgh, UK, “RTT … combines the best principles of hypnotherapy, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), (and) NeuroLinguistic Programming that offers fast effective results for a range of psychological, psychiatric and physical conditions. As opposed to traditional therapies, RTT is a solution-focussed treatment offering rapid, effective and long-lasting change usually within one (or within three maximum) sessions. RTT embraces the positive aspects of all the above techniques that are known to produce a transformative effect on the clients.”
Get ready to have a wonderful, revitalizing experience that will positively alter your relationship with yourself, your life, and the world around you.
Staying stuck in trauma is absolutely 100% unnecessary!

RTT® is an integrative therapy and can involve many modalities in one session. This is part of what makes it so powerful!
Most clients see transformational results with only one or two sessions, not years of therapy.
Integrated Therapy models include:
- Hypnosis
- Somatic Healing
- Gestalt Therapy
- Cognative Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
- Internal Family Systems Model (IFS)
Transform your story; transform your life.
“One day you’ll see how hard it was and how brave you were.” –Dr. Suess
A’s story: 23 year old struggling with extreme anxiety
12 hours after session
Morning! And yes it is very bright today. 🥰 I’m honestly a lot better. After the session I was like, I don’t know, uneasy feeling. I even got sick last night because my body felt so off. But now this morning I felt like a light cloud and didn’t feel so uneasy or ungrounded. I don’t feel scared anymore. That was a big one for me!
2 days after session
Hey! So you know how I was saying I used to get stopped at my door (of my house) and wouldn’t be able to go anywhere? Couldn’t even get groceries? Well!!!!! I went to Costco today and I didn’t even flinch towards how busy it was! Wasn’t even affected whatsoever and it made me feel sooooo good!! 💕💕 My previous anxiety would have stopped me entirely. New and improved me had no issues! 👍🏻
1 week after session
I am beyond proud! I am so thankful because I wouldn’t have got through this alone. I tried regular therapy multiple times and I was still where I was. The scenarios that came up I wouldn’t have guessed would have been the triggers. I figured with (name) yes, because that was a big part of my life. But the other ones blew my mind.
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God is my Mighty Warrior.
Hebrews 3:13
He fights for me.”